Provider of sanctuary

My friend Joyce.

The photograph with text, above, was one of a regular series of photographs and thoughts which Joyce Smith sent to me most weeks. The photographs were her own and she also made the choice of text.
I published many of them either on this Blog or in postings to a group of friends. I looked forward to receiving each week’s offering which began at the time of Covid and the hardship it brought to our lives. The ‘tweets’ continued until her death, two years ago at the end of May.
Her life was one of dedication both to God and to people. Her ministry was widespread and for many, she was both an inspiration and, when in need of care and friendship, she was a comfort. I know many of her friends still miss her, as do I.

Each of us needs a place of ‘sanctuary’, a when things get hard and often, that ‘sanctuary’ comes from others whose hearts God has touched with love and compassion. People who can be channels of God’s grace to others. Our bolt-hole.
For me, Joyce was such a person. We worked together in ministry but most of all we shared friendship. She was a very wise person and, of course, I miss her. She knew how to care and hold and make a space for us to rest in.

At this time of her second anniversary of her entry into heaven, at the end of May, I looked  through her photographs, mostly of birds and nature and, quite often puffins! A lot of her time off was spent in Northumberland where, around the Farne Island she found joy among the puffins.

As, I looked at her tweets I thought of the timeless quality of them, so from time to time, they will reappear on this blog.

Mr G.

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